Are you ready to master human design and integrate this knowledge into your life and your business?

​This immersive, 6-month certification program provides you with an enriching and practical small-group learning experience so you can embrace human design and empower yourself and others to create a beautiful life.

Imagine if...

  • You could look at a human design chart and know how to help yourself and others to thrive.

  • You know how to create a happy and healthy life for yourself.

  • Your relationships get better because you understand their mechanics.

  • You feel equipped to step into your power and purpose because you know how to make the right decisions and release all that is no longer serving you.

  • You use your wisdom to help and serve others. You can see their gifts and strengths and where they are most vulnerable.

  • You know how to help others bring more joy and flow into their life.

  • You create a life you love and help others to do the same.

Gain full access to a powerful life changing system with downloadable resources, videos, and much more.



Hello there, I look forward to meeting you.

Amber Clements

Teacher and Coach

My mission as your Human Design teacher, is to empower you to create a better life by providing you with the tools, resources, and support you need to achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and live a fulfilling and meaningful life. As a unique Reflector, I am committed to providing a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space for you to explore Human Design and awaken to your full power and potential so you can not only create positive change in your life, but also in the world around you. As a fully trained and certified Human Design Specialist, Teacher, and Coach, I've been working specifically with Human Design for over 5 years. I've performed hundreds of readings and coaching sessions helping people personally, professionally and in their relationships. With 25+ years of global work experience prior to this as a Change Management consultant, qualified Teacher and Communications specialist, I draw on deep practical knowledge to help you through your personal journey towards fulfilment. I also have some fabulous tools to help support you in your deconditioning process as a qualified Biofield Tuning Practitioner and Quantum Alignment Practitioner. This means I can also help you heal your mind, body and spirit. I am the author of the book The Human Design Reflector: Barometer of the World, as well as a contributer to other human design books. I've been a speaker at the International Human Design Conference in the USA since 2020 and I am the creator of the Human Design Mastery Program and founder of the Australian College of Human Design. Learn more about all my qualifications and experience at

What you will learn:

  • Human Design Concepts

    All aspects of the human design chart, including: Type and Strategy, Authority, Definition, Lines, Profiles, Centres, Channels and Circuits, and Gates.

  • Human Design Advanced Concepts

    All complex concepts including: Incarnation Cross, Life and Soul Purpose, Pentas, Digestion and Environment.

  • How to Apply Human Design to your life

    Includes: How to Decondition, Money and Manifestation, Better Relationships, Managing Stress and Burnout, Finding Joy and Creativity, and How to Optimise your Health.

  • The Art of Reading a Human Design Chart

    Learn how to read human design charts including how to structure a reading and prepare for a reading so you can share your wisdom with others in your personal and professional life.

By the end of this program, you will:

  • Know all human design concepts and how to apply them.

  • Understand how you operate and how you can thrive.

  • Be deep in your own process of deconditioning and self-mastery.

  • Feel confident in reading other people’s charts.

  • Have the tools you need to integrate human design into your life and work.

  • Have greater clarity about your purpose and how to live in alignment.

  • A certificate of completion to show others that you've done the work.​

Discover your potential, starting today

​Enrol in the Human Design Mastery Program and let me support you every step of the way.

Program Outline

Welcome introduction from Amber Clements.

Does this sound like you?

  • You know that your human design chart has the power to change your life if only you knew how to unlock the wisdom of the chart.

  • You want to help your family, friends, co-workers and clients to also life their best life and you know human design can help.

  • Deep down you know that you're capable of achieving more but don't know where to start?

  • You want to incorporate human design in your work or even run your own human design business so you can read other people’s charts.

  • You want someone to teach you about human design who is really good at making things simple and digestible but also practical and fun.

  • You want to go deep and ask lots of questions.

  • You don’t just want to learn human design you want to embody it.

  • You want to find your people and be part of a thriving community of like-minded souls so you can share your experiences as you evolve.

This Program follows my LEAP model


Personal and Professional growth
Grow personally AND help improve the life of those around you.
Know who you are and aren't
Understand your strengths and weaknesses so you can operate effectively. Understand what is you so you can let go of the people and experiences that have conditioned you to be something other than yourself.
Clarify your Life Purpose and Direction
Gain clarity about your unique purpose and learn how to achieve your goals.
Better Work and Career
Gain insights into the type of work that is best suited for you based on your unique strengths and talents. Make informed decisions about your career and increase your chance of success.
Enhanced Relationships
Learn how to create more harmony, resolve conflict, communicate effectively, increase empathy and build strong, healthy connections with others.
Enhanced Wellbeing
Learn what is healthy for you, where best to live, and how to thrive in the world. Understand your personal boundaries and how to protect yourself from the conditioning of others.
Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Fears
Understand what is holding you back from reaching your full potential. Identify your limiting beliefs and fears and learn strategies to overcome them.
Spiritual Growth
Gain a deeper understanding of your place in the world and your connection to the universal whole.

Help Other People
Use this knowledge to share your new wisdom with others in your personal and professional life.

Feel confident in using human design in your life and work!

In this program you will learn how to master human design and integrate what you've learned so it becomes more than knowledge - it becomes your way of life and helps you create a life you love. I teach you everything you need to know about human design so you can help yourself and others thrive.
Human Design Bodygraph

Success is something you attract by the person you become. Not something you pursue - Jim Rohn

Packed with easy-to-follow training resources, engaging activities and guidance all the way, this program will help you master human design!


“The first word that comes to mind is WOW!!! Wow, wow, wow!! Amber is absolutely incredible! Full of knowledge, warmth and wisdom. I just loved our session and could have stayed on the zoom session for hours. Having a further session with Amber was a given. ​I am so grateful for Amber’s knowledge and insights. Thank you ​”

Tammy Hewitt

“In the 2 years since I found Amber I have grown immensely with her warm professional support through Human Design. ​She has helped me de-condition or re-condition myself into better self talk and habits that allow my innate perfection as a Projector to really begin to flourish. ​The best testimonial is that I have sent 4 of my friends for readings and coaching and they now love her loving guidance too!”

Sara Catena

“If you are looking for someone to help you understand and implement your Human Design chart practically in your life. Talk to Amber. She is warm, grounded and has a depth of knowledge and wisdom that makes the chart come alive. ​My readings with Amber helped me gain clarity and insight to questions that I have grappled with for years. I feel a sense of liberation and lightness. Thank you Amber”

Anastasia Goussios

“I had such a great reading with Amber! She has a very good understanding of the human design system and was really able to offer me a deep and meaningful session with lots of insights. ​ I can fully recommend her from the bottom of my heart to anybody who wants to understand themselves a little bit better or a loved one maybe?!”

Tom Wachendorf

“My Advanced Reading with Amber was really wonderful, and something I will carry with me. I've been interested in a Human Design reading for some time, but really wanted to ensure I spoke with a Reflector like myself, since we are so rare and operate differently than all other types. Right away, I felt comfortable and seen by Amber. There was just an instantaneous sense of understanding and desire to share knowledge. I could've talked to her for hours! Human Design has greatly influenced my decision-making, self-awareness and life as whole, and I am so grateful to be armed with this knowledge. 🤍”

Lauren Lambertson

“My deep-dive Human Design reading with Amber was a fascinating insight into aspects of myself I had somehow sensed, but not actually known as being true for me. Amber has helped me realise that there is indeed much beauty in my chart and that the gifts within it can be accessed at any time. ​Her calm and sensitive approach was perfect in helping me feel heard as we explored all that my chart means to me. ​I would highly recommend Amber's services to anyone wishing to further explore that final piece of the puzzle in their personal growth journey!”

Christine Blain

“Amber Clements’ Human Design offerings are great if you’re wanting to raise your frequency, intuitive powers and get more clarity and action around your strengths, potentials and the path that you’re meant to be on. Amber is a highly intuitive, perceptive and tuned-in, empathic healer and energy worker. Her experience as a Change Coach and Transformation Consultant adds a further level of depth, expertise and professionalism to her work that I really value. ​I highly recommend Amber Clements if you’re wanting to get more grounded, focused, productive and raise your energetic frequency!”

Janelle Legg

“As a professional astrologer and psychic, I am always interested in exploring new techniques to get to know myself better and human design is amazing in what it can reveal about you. ​Amber is awesome. Her style of delivering the information is clear, on point and helpful. She's a joy to talk to and she's a very experienced and wise practitioner. I really recommend her services. You will get away from your session with a much better understanding about yourself and how to navigate your life according to your energetic biology.”

Gaia Maiorino

“I am delighted, springled with intrigue to be learn a new model for us HUMANS. I have taken the initial steps of learning and enjoying the combination of new distinctions, coupled with the reinforcement of new learning. After many years of facilitators, teachers, and guides, i hold Amber in high esteem. She is masterful and delivers information at a pace that suits my speed. She is also masterful in slowing down to anchor key points. Without doubt, insightful, compassion and caring. ​Recommended Amber highly.”

Harry Barutas

Let's get started!

Sign up now and receive a bonus 1:1 session with Amber!

In this program you will get:

  • Video Tutorials

    Weekly High Quality Human Design Training videos.

  • Workbooks and Resources

    Downloadable workbooks and resources to support the training content.

  • LIVE Weekly Sessions

    24x LIVE small group weekly Integration and Q&A sessions (recorded for those who can’t attend)

  • Integration Activities

    Regular activities to practice what you learn and help you integrate the knowledge.

  • Supportive Community

    Access to a private online community of like-minded individuals on a similar journey.

  • Teacher Support

    Access to Amber through the community portal for ongoing support and accountability as you work through the program and deeply integrate human design.

Next Program

Starts 25 September 2023


Two payment options

Bonus Offer

Sign up before 10 September to receive a bonus 60-minute private session with Amber.

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds
  • 1:1 Session with Amber

    $200 value

    Sign up before 25 August and receive a private 60-minute session with Amber. Get a human design reading, coaching session or if you've already had a session, get a relationship session or a written life purpose report.